There are many times that we come across people that have shared with us that they want to see a change or that they wish certain circumstances were different. Truth is, that most people feel left out and without support. As a person of Latin descent, I experienced some of these truths while I was growing up. The community was mainly made up of people with Latin origins, but the surrounding areas were definitely not and that made the community feel left out and in some cases, even looked down upon. One thing that strikes me the most is that the community has become immune to these conditions, and I think it is largely due to the lack of leadership and lack of inclusion in the community.

I was born and raised here in Houston, and I've seen many things that have only brought me more questions than answers. It really wasn't until our family moved out to an area in southwest Houston, called Alief, that I began to see true diversity and a sense of inclusion. Today, this area has been named as the International District and has been recognized as one of the most diverse places in the state of Texas. What changed?

Social media has transformed our world into a more connected and informed society. Now it's easy to organize events in the community and relay information throughout the community. As an agent of change, I want to show our communities the importance of family and the pursuit of a better lifestyle through my work and the influence of my content. A community is made of each individual household and the stronger and more unified each unit is, the stronger the community will stand as a whole. I'm very thankful for being exposed and raised around such a diverse community and now strive to influence and strengthen others for a more educated, informed and unified communities.

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