- Product reviews: If you have a product that is a good match for my readers & I, please contact me.
- Giveaways: I would love to host a giveaway here on the blog shoot me an email with all the details
- Brand Ambassador: If you are looking for a blogger to represent your brand, I can be your product ambassador. Ambassadorship can be through a series of blog posts, as well as mentions on all of The Daddy Style Diaries' social media sites.
- Company & Brand Events: If your company is hosting an event, I would love to be involved and share my experiences her on my blog and with my readers.
- Ads: If you'd like to be featured or have an ad, please contact me for more details
Something else? Do you have another idea you’d like to share? I'm always open to new ideas.
Photography and Videography is taken with a Canon T6i, Canon SL1, and the Google Pixel 2.
Blog template and social network icons DESIGNED BY ECLAIR DESIGNS.
The Daddy Style Diaries started December 2015 on Blogger
Stats as of
January 2017
20,698 Instagram followers
678 Facebook fans
3,175 Twitter followers
718 Pinterest followers
Privacy Policy
This blog does not share personal information with third-parties nor do we store any information about your visit to this blog other than to analyze and optimize our content and reading experience through the use of cookies. You can turn off the use of cookies at any time by changing your specific browser settings. We are not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without our permission. This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on November 6, 2015. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly here: Jeff@daddystylediaries.com
This is my personal web-blog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and definitely not those of my sponsors. I use affiliate links on sponsors + Promo tab and in some posts. I only share products that I love. If you purchase a product through an affiliate link, I receive a small commission. Occasionally I will receive products free of charge & share them here. Reviews on those products are always my own opinions and are never reflected by the compensation. Please keep in mind that my opinion, like yours, will change from time to time.
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