This post is sponsored by The Home Depot. This is my own opinion based on my experience and use.
This winter season has been an odd one for us. It has been much warmer than usual and even though none of us have gotten sick with a cold or the flu, we are taking precautions more than ever. This is Mila’s first year going to school, so she is more likely to get sick since she is exposed to more kids. There is not much we can do there, but in our home we are constantly cleaning up appliances, restrooms, doorknobs, floors; pretty much everything that we touch. We are at the peak of flu season, as well as in a time where other viruses are coming around such as the recent coronavirus. Thanks to The Home Depot we are able to get all of our home needs! It is best to be prepared and keep our homes clean and disinfected with Clorox.
Both of our girls are really active and play with all of their toys, and that means that a lot of things get dirty, sticky, or end up in the wrong place (toilet or trash!). Thanks to Clorox Disinfecting Wipes we can kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria in 10 seconds, and the best part of all is that they are disposable and use bleach-free formula. We wipe down toys, furniture, doorknobs, switch plates, and every hard surface in our home, besides the floor, and that is where we use Pine Sol.
My family has used Pine Sol ever since I was a kid, and to this day use it to clean our floors and tiles. I just recently came to learn that it is also a disinfectant, killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria including Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and Influenza. As a multi-surface cleaner, you could also use Pine Sol as a carpet cleaner too, keeping your entire home clean. I try to mop and sweep the floors at least every other day during this peak season, sometimes every day depending on how dirty the floor is. Some of these viruses and bacteria can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours!
Need to clean up something quick as well as disinfect? I know I do, and Clorox Clean-Up all-purpose bleach spray cleaner is my go-to. Even though I work from home most days, cleaning the restroom, shower, and kitchen take up more time than I wish it did. Quick but effective is how I keep the restroom clean, fresh, and disinfected! The restroom is one place that cannot go dirty and I can use every single drop out of the Clorox clean-up spray thanks to the Smart Tube technology bottle! Another use for this spray is for cleaning our cutting boards. We prefer wood boards and since wood is porous, we want to make sure that bacteria isn’t hiding around. We spray the board and let it sit, then go ahead and rinse it off, allowing it to dry completely.
When it comes to disinfecting, we often think of hard surfaces, but our sheets and pillows are one of the items in our home we should often keep clean. Besides changing them once a week, we use Clorox Disinfecting Bleach to disinfect and keep our sheets and pillows as white as possible. It also helps keep our clothes and sheets white longer and helps remove 70% more stains than detergent alone. I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing that some of these germs and viruses like the norovirus, flu, E.Coli or Salmonella were sharing my bed. 99.9% of germs could be avoided once we clean our surfaces and sheets. Now, Clorox Disinfecting Bleach contains CloroMax, which helps protects surfaces as it cleans at the same time. Stains won’t stick and cleanup would be much easier. It’s a very versatile cleaning AND disinfecting product!
Flu season is no joke, and my family and I are doing our best to be prepared and keep our home clean! As mentioned in the beginning, you can find all of these Clorox cleaning products at The Home Depot!
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