This post is sponsored by Walmart and these are my own thoughts and opinions.
Staying healthy as a family has been one of our priorities this year. Even with all the present challenges, we know that making an effort to take care of ourselves will go a long way when we think about where we want to be with our kids when we grow older. Having been a partner with Walmart for years, I am glad to see them committed towards the health and wellness of the Hispanic community. This led me to take the health of my family and myself seriously and take action towards a life of health and wellness.
So how do we stay active? Well, I used to think we could balance everything equally within a day but we soon learned that it wasn’t working for us. Now, we tackle different tasks spread out throughout the week while having 2-3 things that remain constant every day. Those 3 activities are working cooking, and a walk or stroll with the family. Since we moved to a new home a few months ago, we now have a backyard where we can play with the girls if they don’t feel like walking. The important thing is to be physically active for at least 10-15 minutes a day. I start my day by going for a run in the morning followed by a quick 15 minutes workout in the garage. It’s said that it takes 21 days to develop a new habit so don’t be discouraged at first when you find it challenging to start something new. Taking time for yourself is great for your overall wellness which leads me to how Walmart is helping our community.
Walmart has Wellness Days 4 times a year and are now virtual. These days are great for the community to get free screenings with an optometrist and pharmacist. This is great for everyone since keeping tabs on ourselves is important for our well being. Given that 90% of people live near a Walmart, this gives many of us access to screenings that we would otherwise not think about or dismiss as important. Because I care for my own health and overall wellness I want to share that with you all too. There are 4 areas of wellness that we tackle with the help of our Walmart friends. They’re called MEDS (get it?) Well, here is what they stand for:
M - Move More
E - Eat Well
D - Destress Now
S - Sleep Better
By doing these 4 things, you can drastically improve your overall wellness. It is important for us to continue to stay in motion as we strive to move forward through these times. I am thankful for the initiatives that Walmart has started and how accessible a quick health screen can be. These are things that I did not have access to while growing up and if I can bring these resources just a bit closer to you that would be great! Save money, live better, right?
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