This post is sponsored by Iberdrola Texas. My thoughts and opinions below. 

I still remember when I saw my first wind turbine and stared in awe at why someone would make a huge structure. I thought it was an ambitious installation, but what did I know, I was only 10 years old. That was quite some time ago and I have seen many wind turbine blades being transported since then. As a dad today, it is important to me that I share with my daughters how wind energy can be harnessed to power our new home and the environment around us. I am glad to have partnered with Iberdrola Texas in sharing the power of wind energy and an environmentally conscious energy option.

On our trip to Palo Duro Canyon, we drove through an area deep in the heart of Texas that had hundreds, if not thousands of wind turbines. I was in awe once again. Texas has a large market for energy, and Iberdrola is a global leader in wind energy. As a born and raised Texan, I am proud to be using energy produced here in Texas, For Texans, by Texans. But besides the production of energy, the other important aspect of energy is the way we use it. Since we moved here to our new home, we have been energy conscious and have been teaching the girls how to conserve energy and teach them where our energy comes from. Iberdrola sent an awesome package that included a wind turbine kit which Mila loved building together. 

When it came down to choosing an energy provider for our home, we wanted to have our energy sourced from clean and renewable processes. In raising a new generation, we need to adapt and teach our children through example and teaching them the different ways we can minimize our environmental and carbon footprint. Mila and I were excited to build the wind turbine and went outside to test it out since there was a steady breeze. The directions were simple and easy for Mila to put together and get it up and running in no time. As soon as we finished, there was a breeze that came at the perfect time and made the turbine generate the power to light up the led light.

We sat down for a few minutes while talking about how we can go green and conserve the energy we use in the home since we all learn and work from home. It is busy around here all day and that means that we consume more energy. Iberdrola energy options are affordable and reliable, and teaching the girls about green energy is something that they will see bloom in their lifetimes. Maybe sometime in the future, we’ll take a trip out to look at the wind farms. Seeing the amazement in Mila when the light shined was heartwarming for me. She got the opportunity to see wind power in real-time. Knowing that our homes are powered by renewable energy is great for our Texas pride but also great for our wallets. 

Being part of Iberdrola has been great, especially when I know that I am contributing to the States’ economy and using green energy that minimizes our carbon footprint. Making the transition to green energy has been a long time coming but it is here and it can be our small contribution in going green one step at a time.  Making the transition is easy, so don’t miss out on the chance to earn a $50 gift card when you enroll with Iberdrola here: Please note, you’ll receive the gift card two months after enrollment into your energy service.